
Posts Tagged ‘mania’

Why is it that now that my friends KNOW that I”m coming off my meds, they see weird behaviors that aren’t there, that they never would have imagined up before? Today, my bf, whom I LIVE WITH said that one of my friends (who he works with) asked him if I were okay, yes, mentally, because of an exchange we had over text with him and facebook with a friend.

Here is the scenario:

Me: (on facebook) hey, blah asked me to hang out with him and blah, but I Dont’ think blah likes me very much so I said no (said to blah’s boytoy)

boytoy: Oh, he said he was busy….anger anger. he was too busy to hang out with ME. blarghy blarghy, whatever.

me: *quickly blah to let him know that I slipped up and told boytoy that blah was hanging with another boy.* my bad!

blah: It’s ok I’ll talk to him later

and SOMEHOW out of THAT he got that something must be wrong. Listen people, my bf, he’s a worrier, he’s on prozac for excessive worry, and I’m sure he’s PLENTY worried enough without my friends going up to him and saying they are worried about me because of X inconsequential thing that happened. So CHILL OUT will you? I live with him, he’s going to notice that something is wrong way before anyone else will.


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